Fire at a Biodiesel Facility
A month ago, I wrote about fire in a biodiesel facility – the last one for 2010. http://risk-safety.com/risksafetynewsite/another-biodiesel-firehopfully-the-last-one-for-2010/ Four days into 2011, a fire was reported
A month ago, I wrote about fire in a biodiesel facility – the last one for 2010. http://risk-safety.com/risksafetynewsite/another-biodiesel-firehopfully-the-last-one-for-2010/ Four days into 2011, a fire was reported
NTSB has issued seven safety recommendations following the September, 2010 San Bruno incident in California. #1. To PHMSA: Inform pipeline operators about circumstances leading up-to and
Readers of this blog are familiar with the biofuel incident trend that I have written about in previous posts. http://risk-safety.com/category/biofuels/ Based on what I have researched,
The third edition of API 752, “Management of Hazards Associated with Permanent Buidlings” came out in late 2009 and there are a few major revisions
The following video desribes 2005 fire/explosion in Praxair’s gas cylinder filling and distribution center. The incident occurred when gas from a pressurized propylene cylinder was released through the relif valve and
I recently wrote a guest post on Mettler Toledo’s blog on theoretical ways to screen reactive chemicals. Here is a link: http://tinyurl.com/screen-reactive-chemicals
According to the FAA, there have been 113 battery fire incidents on passenger and cargo planes between 1991-2010. There is a battery fire incident every
In a number of my previous blog posts, I have emphasized the disturbing trend of fires and explosions in the biodiesel and biofuel industry. Based on the
LNG spilled onto water sometime undergoes a rapid phase transition (RPT) or physical explosion creating localized overpressures. Such physical explosions are also observed when water
Earlier I had written about the use of RFID for tracking hazardous substances. One of the readers, Sujith, wrote to me that RFID can be a
I recently came across a very interesting incident involving foam concrete. Foam concrete is produced by mechanical mixing of foam prepared in advance with concrete
Recently, Erik, a reader of this blog directed me to a video his firm has created that explains the role of trees leading to the
I would like to wish readers and the growing list of subscribers of risk and safety blog a prosperous 2010. It has been a year
Nihon Sandai Jitsuroku – is an ancient Japanese text compiled in 901. It talks about an earthquake and Tsunami that occurred in 869: “Then