Another Biodiesel Fire…hopfully the last one for 2010!

Wednesday, December 15th, 2010

Readers of this blog are familiar with the biofuel incident trend that I have written about in previous posts. Based on what I have researched, the incident frequency of a fire/explosion in biodiesel plant is 10 weeks, i.e. every two and half months there is a fire or explosion in a biodiesel ...

Biodiesel Incidents Trend

Tuesday, January 26th, 2010

Based on incident data in biodiesel facilities, I had written that the biodiesel industry in the US is experiencing an incident every two-and-a-half months, i.e. approx. 10 weeks. Here are incidents following my May 2009 blog post on biodiesel incident frequency. 1.       15 July 2009, Chicago: An explosion at a biodiesel plant ...

Florida Biodiesel Fire: The Trend Continues

Wednesday, September 30th, 2009

Last Thursday (September 24, 2009) a fire was reported in a biodisel plant near Osceola County in Florida. The biodiesel plant was owned by New Eden Energy. There were no fatalities or injuries. Earlier, I had pointed out the need for safety in biofuel plants. Based on incident data I reviewed, ...

Explosion at Biodiesel Plant – July 2009

Wednesday, July 22nd, 2009

The biodiesel and biofuel industry is demonstrating a disturbing trend of unsafe operations. The biodiesel industry is experiencing one fire/explosion incident EVERY two-and-a-half months. Last Friday, there was an explosion at a biodiesel plant in Chicago injuring two workers. The following video from NBC provides details of the incident. According to the video, the explosion ...