Archive for the ‘EPA RMP’ Category

Should the Cop Ticket Fred? Perils of Performance-Based Regulations

Wednesday, July 7th, 2010

When you are driving on a highway, usually there is a speed limit. If you exceed this limit, a cop can give you a ticket. In Houston, most highways have a speed limit of 65-70 miles per hour…although most drivers appear to assume it implies “90-mph is okay”. Let us say the ...

OSHA Chemical NEP

Monday, September 14th, 2009

On July 27, 2009 OSHA launched its National Emphasis Program (NEP) targeted at chemical facilities. The NEP will operate as a one-year pilot program during which OSHA will conduct planned inspections of chemical facilities. Which Chemical Facilities Will Be Reviewed? The Chemical NEP will focus on facilities in the following regions: Regions ...

Is Your Emergency Response Plan Satisfactory?

Friday, August 21st, 2009

A chemical facility is mandated to have an emergency response plan by OSHA PSM and EPA RMP. An accident in the plant, a hurricane, and a potential terrorist attack are a few scenarios that mandate emergency response and planning. However, there is a vast difference between having an emergency plan ...


Monday, August 10th, 2009

RAGAGEP stands for Recognized And Generally Accepted Good Engineering Practices. Specifically, OSHA 29 CFR 1910.119 (D)(3)(ii) states:The employer shall document that equipment complies with recognized and generally accepted good engineering practices. EPA RMP also refers to RAGAGEP in 40 CFR 68.73:Inspection and testing procedures shall follow recognized and generally accepted good engineering ...


Sunday, February 8th, 2009

Under Section 112(r) of the Clean Air Act, the Chemical Accident Prevention Provisions require facilities that produce, handle, process, distribute, or store certain chemicals to develop a Risk Management Plan (RMP), and submit it to EPA. The following presentation provides a brief overview of EPA RMP. [slideshare id=389818&doc=epa-rmp-regulations-1210041888596002-9&w=425] Starting 2009, EPA RMP ...