Archive for the ‘Industrial Hygiene’ Category

OSHA Wants You To Nominate Chemicals of Concern

Monday, August 23rd, 2010

OSHA is asking stakeholders to identify hazardous chemicals they believe are most in need of action. Why? "OSHA realizes the inadequacy of many of its Permissible Exposure Limits (PELs) and is seeking creative solutions, both long term and short term, to address this inadequacy." For the benefit of the readers of the ...

Indoor Dispersion: A Simple Model To Estimate Indoor Concentrations

Wednesday, June 9th, 2010

While evaluating impact of a toxic release, you may be interested in how the concentration of the toxicant increases in a room and its impact on indoor personnel. For example, if there is a H2S release in the plant and you want to estimate the increase in concentration in a nearby ...